Ocular Biomechanics

>> In-vivo assessment of the eye <<

Generel Advice

The information contained on this website does not replace the advice of the principal investigators or other members of OBRG and are not to be regarded as a recommendation. Before a therapeutic decision, patients/participants must always seek medical advice.

The information contained on this website may differ from published or otherwise presented data because the information is presented here in a streamlined manner. The results of a single clinical trial/observational exploratory study must always be seen in the overall context of all carried out tests.

To ensure the accuracy, security and confidentiality of all information set here have been taken within the usual limits possible precautions. OBRG reserves the right to change these specifications at any time without prior notice.

Your safety: Always comes first!

Before you can start with the studies, all of our volunteers are carefully examined. The preliminary investigation is a mandatory prerequisite for participation and free of charge.

During the studies, the participants will be supervised and supported in our clinic or lab by a team of experienced eye care providers and qualified medical staff. So we can keep risks as low as possible and respond to questions and problems immediately. The safety of our volunteers is our primary concern.

If you have further questions about our research, please contact us.

Evaluation of Clinical Research


© Daniela Oehring 2015